Kick count

I almost laughed when my doctor asked me to start my kick count this week. My baby moves like 50 times in a 20 minute period like 6 times a day! I'm sure my baby will be fine! Any one else with extremely active babies?
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Yup. I can catch his movements throughout the day.  I started a kick count on an app, and my session is over in like 2 minutes. 


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Mine doesn't move that much. I don't like it. At 27 weeks she moved all day for a few days in a row but then slowed down after that. I'm 29 weeks now and it freaks me out a little bit. I wish she moved more. 


Syd • Aug 30, 2016
Same here!! Maybe we just have lazy babies! I'm 28 weeks and the past few weeks, my lil boy hasn't been very active at all.. kind of scary 😕 then he will roll around & let me know he's okay


Laura • Aug 29, 2016
Same here! I'm 28w and he will have spurts where he is active but I don't think he's active enough


Arietta • Aug 29, 2016
Same here 😕


Posted at
I'm 31 weeks and there isn't a time of day he isn't kicking!!! I tried counting ten kicks and it takes about 5 mins since he kicks in groups of like 30. It's like he's fighting to get out. 


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Me!!! He moves all the time doctor early one was like he may not move a lot right now but at 28 weeks we will start the kick out, I was like he moves everyday all the time it's very visible I don't think we will have a problem with the kick count lol 


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My baby is super active. Sometimes kicking areas that really hurt. 


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Yes! My doctor asked me to start counting too. On average it takes 15 minutes to feel ten movements but it's taken as little as 2 minutes before. And my doctor says flutters or hiccups don't count. 


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I had to kick count last week because she decided to be very still and my pelvis was really hurting. She kicked 60+ times in an hour while I laid on my left side.


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My baby is hyper she moves constantly throughout the day n night 


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All my son does is kick. Hes fighting my uterus as we speak. Sometimes he kicks and punches at the same time. Dont matter if its 3 pm or 3 am. The only time he doesnt is when i want someone to feel him, then he magically stops. I just assume hell be an asshole like his father and do the complete opposite if what i want. 😭


Posted at
My son doesn't stop kicking!! I'm 26 weeks and he's been this way since about 19 weeks