Baby is gone :(

I was 6 weeks n 6 days. When i had to go into the ER cuz my spotting was getting worse. I had gone 5 days prior and they had told me the baby was fine and had a good heartbeat. To keep an eye on the cramps and the spotting and to come back if it got worse. I went to my OBGyN 3 days later told her i had gone to the ER and that i was still bleeding/spotting. She wasnt to phased by it. Didnt really check me or inform me of anything. Next day I end up in the ER and they perform an inter vaginal ultrasound which worsened my bleeding x1000 and the cramps as well. Then they inform me that my little bean had no heartbeat and that i was going thru a miscarriage and that the heartbeat shown to us on Sunday was actually very low for a 6 week baby. Why wasnt I told this information from the beginning? Why didnt my ObGyN doctor see tha red flag when i mentioned the heartbeat of the baby to her? Things i wish I would have known more about before i put my trust in these doctors.... Thinking that they would do everything they could to save my little one... Im so upset and ao sad to have to think that maybe we could have saved him/her... With the proper care....