Welp Im offically 6 days late on my af

(Rebecca) • Im 33wife married 14 years and have 3 boys 14,9,3
Welp im offically 6 days late on my af I wanna be excited bit slightly freaking out waiting for it to show up say ( just kidding) we've been trying on and off for the last 3 years with actively trying the last 2 years for baby # 3 i have a 10 and 5 year old both boys been trying for a girl this time hoping but eitherway will be happy with whatever we are given of course I feel pregnant idk i just feel diffirent i was at the doctors friday a appointment I had already had a month in advance and told her whats going she said wait another week and test if still nothing they will do a blood test i been battling cyst and she believes I possibly have pcos and endo so hopefully this is my month have no af symtoms at all and usually do by now so dont think shes coming but i have increased appitite and eating more then normal and going bathroom more and my sleep is all off but thats about it so baby dust to all i really hope im pregnant!!