Bug netting I want to take my baby (3 weeks old) for a walk. But I'm worried about mosquitoes. Should i wait to get a bug net. Im in Michigan

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I purchased the Brica Car Seat Canopy and we love it. The netting is durable and the canopy also includes a UV ray flap which blocks the sunlight. Whenever we take our baby girl out we use this. The netting has a zipper in the front so you can easily take baby in and out. There is a pocket in the back of canopy to stuff the UV ray flap when you want to see baby. Great great buy! 


Sheila • Aug 29, 2016
FWI, we're in NW Indiana.


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Michigan mosquitoes suck 😓 


Posted at
I'm in Michigan also, the bug nets are great!


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I am from MI and I would wait. I am a mosquito magnet and to me better to be safe than sorry. 


Posted at
the baby is only 3 weeks. keep him/her in the house. it's too much out here besides bugs that could cause problems 


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As long as your not going out during dusk or dawn or walking near water you should be fine. If your area generally has a lot of mosquito activity however then the net may be worth using.