bright green poop

Alyssa • Girl mom: 16', 18', 21' 💕
Ok so for the passed couple of days my daughter has had bright green poop. Which I'm almost positive is from getting to much foremilk and not enough hindmilk. She's also only been eating for about three minties. Normally it's anywhere from 7-15 minutes on one side. Very rarely can I get her to eat off both. Would it be beneficial to block feed?? Any tips are greatly appreciated. I'm assuming this will change within the next few days as I'm going back to work on Monday and she will be fed with a bottle with breast milk. Just wondering if I should try something different? And if anyone's been through this. She's 2 1/2 months old. No fever and not sick. I work for pediatricians and am a medical assistant but haven't gotten into breast feeding subjects about patients