Pregnancy boredom

Sitting in the house 7 days a week is really depressing me. I get out and walk around our complex but can only do that so many times a week before that becomes overly done. No parks or stores nearby to walk to and I don't drive, even if I did I don't have a car to drive because the husband has it all the time.

I'm slightly frustrated at him because well I've been in this house or mostly room since his family and I all live together and mostly we all keep to ourselves in our own spaces. It's Saturday and I wanted to just get out and do something anything, walk at the park, the mall, the beach just anything. He said he's tired and wants to rest and of course I completely understand... He works all week. But where is my husband now? Gone with his car friends, doing whatever the hell they do and he'll most likely be gone for 3 or 4 hours.

Asked him early to just drop me at the mall and I'd be more than okay with the 15min bus ride home but that was a no go. "I don't want you walking at the mall alone" because ya know I might die at the mall or something.. I'm a ftm and this whole no work, no school, no going anywhere is hurting more than my little man hugging my ribs. Mama needs time out too!!!