Marriage falling apart...

So I'm not looking for anything mean, I just want some honest answers from my fellow Glow girls.. 
To start, I have been married for 5 years and I have an 8 month old daughter. My husband and I ran into our relationship pretty quickly and were engaged 8 months in. Everything was great for awhile. Before we got married we hit a little bit of a rough patch but things smoothed out and we were married. Fast forward 3 years... I understand I'm not perfect but I commit my whole heart to this relationship and making him happy. However what I have received has been a husband who doesn't support me emotionally, with personal feelings to jobs to accomplishments. I don't feel appreciated at home with all that I do and nothing is ever good enough. He has a terrible temper that he knows bothers me to the core due to previous abusive relationships. I'm treated like a roommate and not a spouse. He contributes nothing except his condescending words and anger. I don't feel loved. I rarely get affection but yet he expects sex whenever he wants it. I've expressed myself to him over and over til I'm blue in the face and instead of working on it he just gets defensive. I've hit a point where I'm unhappy and look forward to having time by myself. Does this seem like a relationship worth saving or should I look at moving on? I'm so conflicted and broken hearted.