Bad :/ (Thanks, Cyndi! I will try).

This guy so acted like he liked me.. objectively I know I didn't/don't like him back but I think my mind felt a like bit thinking 'oh, he is such I nice person.. why if I do like him back?'

Either way, I confronted him in which I tought was the nicest way I could, honestly I acted so understandable.. my perspective was to say 'I feel you like me but I don't want anything to happen between us'.. I didn't even get to the second part.

He responded saying that he didn't like me, that I got him wrong all the way and was acting like we having this conversation was the most awkward and weird thing in the world.. making me feel so bad for initiating it, saying that he felt sorry that he made me believe that and that he is so ashamed and so much stuff that honestly.. I don't know.

Why couldn't it be an easy conversation in which he said 'oh, I am sorry.. I actually don't' and me 'it's ok.. it happens. Not big deal!' and we could be friends and laught at it later? BUT NO! Now is weird and I feel bad.

I am even criying about this! WHY?! I am going to blame it on hormones.

I would like an advice because I don't understand myself :/