How do you feel about scary images being added to posts?


*I'm not talking about the images that include a story in them, or of real/personal photos of places/objects/people that are included in the story posted*

Rather I just added a post about sleep paralysis last night with a creepy image attached for fun. Many sites use them and I thought it would just add to the over all feel of the stories, but I recieved a reply about someone not caring for it. Which is fine, I want everyone to enjoy the group and don't want to scare them off (funny, right?).

☞How do you feel about posts with pictures that are just there for the sake of being scary? They will always be added to the bottom of the post so they're avoidable.

(I'm also specifically talking about things I posts since I enjoy sharing here. I hope others will be considerate too, but they may forget, not think about it.)

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