Help! OHSS

Ashley • Happily married for 3 years. 2 angel babies. Our 1st FET = BFN. 2nd FET = BFP! Expecting our miracle September 2017!
Our egg retrieval was on Friday. My doc removed 42 follicles (40 were mature). I am
so grateful for those numbers, God is good.
However, I am not doing well at all. I have OHSS and I am taking Cabergoline for 8 days (tonight is day 5.) I feel AWFUL! I went to the ER yesterday because I had severe nausea and vomiting. And, they said to have high protein/high salt diet but I can't eat anything without wanting to puke. As soon as I stand up I get really hot and sweaty and I feel like I am going to pass out . The ER doc said i am third spacing and that I have free fluid in my abdomen. My kidneys are functioning ok. They pumped me with a bunch of fluid. If I gain any more fluid in my belly they said they may have to go in with a needle and drain it. They also said the Cabergoline could be what is making me SO sick. I take it at night to try to sleep off the side effects but I don't feel like that helps at all. Has anyone experienced this and what has your doc recommended ? They said I could be down for 7-10 days. 😢 I never expected to be so sick after the retrieval. I am just trying to stay positive but I feel like complete crap.