Feel like a prisoner...

My LO turned 4 months on Aug 109th. First let me say I absolutely LOVE my lil man beyond life itself. I am a sahm and he is EBF, refuses a bottle from anyone, with my milk, and will not take a paci. He wants only me all the time. Occasionally he will go with his daddy or big brothers, but that usually only lasts about 20 min. If he isn't in my arms, on my chest or just plan on me somewhere he is screaming. I can't even take a shower without dreading turning off the water, just to hear him scream. I pick him up he is happy. I can't go anywhere because he absolutely hates car rides. Even short trips he screams. Current situation... I just got out of the shower to him screaming his head off, for dressed and picked him up... Now he is happily asleep. I Havnt even put a pic through my hair.... Today was my first break down... I just was a bbathroom break without a scream fest.