Clear blue dropping in weeks!

Charlotte • 2nd Baby
Hi ladies, 
  Had a bit of a panic this morning! Found out I'm pregnant 2 weeks ago.. 
-First clear blue digital- 6 days before AF was due said 1-2 weeks.
- second clear blue digital- day AF was due said 2-3 weeks. 
-Third clear blue- 5 days after second said 3+.
-Forth clear blue- 2 days after 3+, gave me a 2-3 week reading..
This is my 6th pregnancy as had multiple miscarriages.. My dates work out I'm 5w3days. I'm so scared my hgc are dropping and having bloods tomorrow, just wondering if anyone else has had any results go backwards?? 
I've got no pain or bleeding and still sore boobs, on and off nausea and extremely tired.. Help?!