Who needs sleep!? So overrated, lol

Totally just a rant here:
At month 5 or 6 in my second pregnancy I started to get terrible acid reflux, it would wake me up or keep me awake for hours at a time, every.night. My beautiful baby boy was born on 8/11 and the acid reflux is gone! (Woooohoooo), but as all newborns do- he's up every two hours and also has a bit of a gas problem- so I'm currently getting into my 5th month without a full nights sleep- I probably average around 3ish to maybe 4 hours a night and obviously not consecutive. I may be losing my mind slightly, I constantly feel like I'm drunk....I only wish that I was. My wonderful hubs can't help out right now bc he's down with a cold and we don't want him too close to the little babe, thank goodness he can help out with our active 3 YO and thank goodness she's in preschool 3 days a week..I don't even know If this post makes sense. I live off of coffee and pumpkin spice creamer right now. That is all.