Workplace coincidences?

So I work with adults with disabilities as a behavior analyst putting me at a slight risk due to the behavior topographies that usually require my services I.e I've been thrown through a window more than once...  I'm very confident I can minimize risk throughout pregnancy but have been finding something really unique lately....
I'm only 7 weeks, it's my third so I'm showing a bit but bloating a lot. I've hid it this far from everyone waiting for first trimester to pass which has been hard because I'm always sick.... None of my coworkers have mentioned anything other than one telling me I should get checked for a gluten allergy...😒 but what's weird is it's like my clients know- 4 different clients have told me that I'm going to have a baby so weird - I cover my tummy in a hoodie but it's as though they can sense it and I'm totally not someone who jumps to conclusions but first time was weird, second a strange coincidence, third a bit freaky and today as a 4th time it's just interesting now