My story....❤ TMI


Hello ladies my name is Ashley Cary and I just wanted to tell you the short version of my story. I am 27 years old happily married and have 2 beautiful step children ages 13 & 7 both boys and now 2 beautiful Angel babies. My husband and I have been together going on 8 years. We have been trying to have a little one of our own. Back I'm January we went and seen a specialest to see if there was anything wrong with us. Well we fell pregnant at the end of February 2016. We were over the moon excited. That was short lived when the doctors told us I'm March 2016 the baby never made it out of my tube and it was an ectopic. I was devastated broken hearted and hated everything and everyone. I was and still am in a very depressing state. I kept on traking my cycles to keep trying now for my rainbow baby. Well what do you know here we are in August 2016 and af never showed her ugly face. I knew I was pregnant! I took a test and bam my rainbow baby was here. I was trying not to get to excited again because I didn't want to get that bad news again. Well once again it didn't last long. This time I knew I was miscareing. I started to bleed over the weekend and my first OB appointment was not until Tuesday(today). I tried to stay positive but it was very hard. A women knows her body..... I knew I was pregnant and I knew I was having a miscarriage. Today I passed my baby before I even seen my OB and I knew it was my baby. They still did their procedures like blood draw and an u/s all while I'm saying this is all a waste because I already know what's happening. Although I am vesry heartbroken I'm not giving up. It took is 6 years to even know we can get preagant and know we know we can just don't know why we can't stay preagant. We will get answers and we will have our rainbow baby! I'm a strong women! To my babies in heaven mommy LOVES you always and for ever!

#rip Elizabeth Cary and Baby boy Cary

Thanks for reading!