Is my 6mo eating too much??

Jazy • Wife and mommy// Baby#2 on the way 💙 Instagram: @m0mmysp1ce
My sons pedi gave us the green light at 4 months to give him solids... We waited till almost 5 months and did super well with it immediately. I went to his 6 month checkup and the doctor told me to feed him solids for breakfast, lunch and dinner now and 45min-1hour after nurse him.. I nurse on demand whenever he want so I still offer it to him a lot throughout the day/night. He doesn't really like to eat solids in the early morning so I've just been sticking to lunch and dinner still but tonight he ate 8oz of the Gerber purée food. He just kept opening his mouth for more so I opened a second 4oz container and he ate it all! Does this seem like too much? He even nursed an hour after eating as well... I just don't want to be overfeeding him or be the cause of bad eating habits😬 any advice would be really helpful