Always use a little prayer

👧🏽Lindsay👶🏽 • 👰🏻🤵🏿💍 2012. 👧🏽🎀 1/2016. 👼🏽MC Oct ‘17. 👶🏽🎀 #2 born 12/2018! #2 was born with medical and special needs. My girls are the joy of my life💕
I don't know who here may have the same journey as me and my husband, but here it is...
We have been trying for one year and 11 months. After seeing different doctors, they can't find the cause of our infertility. They found and removed a polyp from my uterus over 6 months ago and we still have yet to get a positive pregnancy test. This waiting game has been a roller coaster of emotions. We have been fine for a while now, but this 2 year mark is approaching and bringing distress and doubt with it. 
We could use prayer. Lots of it, really