What a ride

What a ride!!!! These were the longest, most amazing two days of my life and they required A LOT of flexibility. On Sunday night (8/28) I started feeling contractions that came about 2 minutes apart at a pain scale of like a 6 when we finally decided to head to triage. That day, they checked me and I was 2 cm dilated and 70% effaced. They sent me home. My OB called me the next morning (Monday 8/29) and suggested I do Crossfit and walk prior to my 4 PM appointment. I did as ordered and was sure I'd be more dilated at the appointment. NOPE! Still 2 cm and 80% effaced. Went home and later that night at 8 PM the party got started. The contractions were within 2-3 minutes and pain scale of like an 8. Prior to heading to triage, my OB had suggested I labor at home as much as possible because I had planned an unmedicated birth. I used the yoga ball, walking, and soaking in the tub to alleviate contractions. The best thing was working through a contraction while on the toilet because I was having explosive diarrhea at the same time as I was contracting 😳, my poor husband. I went into triage at 1 AM. The pain was at a 9 and I was getting pretty loud. I was convinced she was going to say I was somewhere around 6 cm... NOPE. 2 cm and 80% effaced. At this point I broke down and started crying. There was no way that after all that pain nothing had happened. The nurses called my OB and he decided to admit me. He had been confident that day would be the day.  Well, I was having unbelievable back labor to the point where the contractions would hit in my plexus nerve and completely immobilize my left leg. I lost my footing a couple of times. At around 3 AM I broke down again and asked for the epidural, which didn't arrive until 4 AM because the anesthesiologist was at a cesarean. Oh sweet relief!!!! It was SO HARD to get the epidural in the right spot because I have lumbar scoliosis and the doc warned me it might either not take at all or take on only one side of my body. After much maneuvering and staying perfectly still during contractions, he managed to get it and my entire lower half went numb. I slept from 4 to 6 and was 6 cm when I woke up. The doctor estimated my LO would arrive between noon and 2 PM. At 12 PM the doctor checked me and he could see the head, it was AMAZING! He had me labor down till 1 PM, at which point she was practically crowning. Once we got started pushing, I pushed 6 times and baby's head was out. She had her cord wrapped around her neck and doc had me stop pushing to cut it and remove it. After this I pushed once more and she was out with a loud POP! The whole pushing stage lasted 20 minutes, 7 pushes, and my precious Noelle Amilia was born on 8/30 at 12:50 PM, 6 lbs 1 oz, 20.5 inches.