I swear to ***


If I read one more post about a person telling us about a guy who hits or tells a girl shitty things I swear I am going to go crazy. Women. We do not deserve to be with a piece of shit.

Domestic violence and abuse are used for one purpose and one purpose only: to gain and maintain total control over you. An abuser doesn’t “play fair.” Abusers use fear, guilt, shame, and intimidation to wear you down and keep you under his or her thumb. Your abuser may also threaten you, hurt you, or hurt those around you.The bottom line is that abusive behavior is never acceptable, whether it’s coming from a man, a woman, a teenager, or an older adult. You deserve to feel valued, respected, and safe. Recognizing abuse is the first step to getting help.

I want everyone to take a 5 minites and read this:


Copy paste read.

Don't act like you don't have time. We spend hours on our phones.