IUGR Miracle!

I'm currently 33w1d with di/di twin girls. This pregnancy has been full of many ups and downs regarding the growth of our baby B.  At 6 weeks we were told that she was a third of the size of her sister and that we needed to prepare ourselves for her not to make it. 
By 8 weeks she had caught up but we were still referred to a maternal fetal specialist to monitor their growth and sac size moving forward.
In the ultrasounds that followed we were constantly told she was behind and then at our 30 week appointment we were told baby B was measuring in the 6th percentile and that I needed to go on modified bed rest to try and promote growth. The doctor also suggested I also swim and up my protein as well. A week of this and I found myself in the hospital having contractions so full bed rest it became until my scan yesterday at 33 weeks.
I really felt like I was failing the girls already and not doing enough to keep them healthy and safe. But at yesterday's appointment they measured the girls and for the first time their was only a 5% growth difference. Our little one had caught up. Our girls are now measuring (baby A - 4 lbs 10 oz & baby B 4 lbs 6 oz). We couldn't be more thrilled as this means no steroid shots/early delivery like they were planning! 
I know how incredibly lucky we are and it just makes all the struggles from this pregnancy worth it. To any moms out there struggling - have faith and know you are a super hero! You've got this and it will all be worth it😘