FTM delivered at 40+3

Colleen • 32. Grad Student wife. Boy mom.
FTM delivered at 40+3.
Monday afternoon, I showered and was getting ready to go run some errands. I was sitting down to put on my pants and as soon as I stood to pull them up I felt a little air bubble pop and then a gush of fluid (I thought I peed my pants) so I run to the bathroom and the liquid just keeps coming in waves. So I called my husband who just moved to Texas for school, and told him he needed to fly back to Utah because the baby is coming. Then I called my sister to take me to the hospital, packed my last minute things, and we left. I was checked in by 3 PM and the doctor wanted to start me on pitocin since I still hadn't had any contractions in my pregnancy. They decided to wait and let things progress on their own, since we wanted my husband to be here. I got my epidural at 5:30/6:00 (loved it!!)
My husband got lucky and made it here in 7 hours (including a 2 hour drive to the airport). 
He areived at 10 PM and they decided to start pitocin at 11 PM
By 5 AM I was finally at 10 cm, but they wanted to wait a few more hours for the baby to do as much work as possible before I had to push.
I started pushing at 7:20 AM. His head finally came out around 9:15/9:20 but his shoulders got stuck, the doctor had to reach his hands in to help bring him out while telling me when to push or not. (They called in the neo team to check baby's reflexes and everything once he came.) after we finally got the shoulders out the rest of him just slid through and he arrived at 9:31 weighing 8 pounds 14 ounces. After he got checked and everything was fine I finally got to hold him!! We love him so much already!!