AVA Fertility tracker

Jericha • Married 5/10/14, together since 10/1/06. Fur mommy to Hazel the Chocolate Lab. TTCing #1 since April 2015.

Hey guys!

I just received notice that my preordered Ava Bracelet is finally on its way! I'm so excited, it seems like forever since I preordered it. Has anyone received theirs yet? I would love to ear what you think of it.

Also if you have not heard of it, it is a bracelet you wear at night that tracks several physiological parameters that help determine when you are most fertile. It will hopefully allow me to no longer have to purchase OPKs. There is a huge study that was performed and it's also an FDA - APPROVED class 1 medical device.

Get excited folks, hoping this will aid us towards our rainbow baby!!

If you are interested, you can get $20 off the purchase price using a referral link:
