Return to work

X.M. • Pregnant with an IVF baby. 5day FET with PGD. Diagnosed with a two-vessel umbilical cord (single umbilical artery) which makes me nervous. Baby girl is due in June! 💘
I have been out of work on FMLA since May 20th. I am returning to work on Sept 6th. I already gave my doctor's release note to HR so they are expecting me that day. During my FMLA my boss contacted me twice. The first time was to tell me that they are in the process of hiring a new boss for me and the new person might make some changes but my role is safe at the moment. And the last call was to let me know that they changed my desk. They put me in a terrible spot and I am totally not okay with that. I run a lot of reports and they are putting me in a very busy area where I will get distracted by customers and other employees constantly. These things are adding to my postpartum depression. And I keep crying and having melt downs. I exhausted my FMLA so I am thinking about filing for long term disability. Will my FMLA count as short term disability? Does postpartum depression qualify for disability? Any help would be appreciated.