Rainbow baby

Finally!!!!!!!!!!! It happened!!!! But now I have so many questions? 
I had an appointment to conform my pregnancy and I'm at 10 weeks. I made another appointment for my first "prenatal care visit" next week. Today I get a call from the doc and she tells me that I have to put $500 down payment on the first visit and after that will be monthly payment until my due date. Which totals up to 3,000. 
I called the insurance co and they said I'm no where near meeting my deductible which is 5,000. This is in network office. I'm really confused on this payment thing if that's even normal amount of $$. Because they said I have money in the account for this year and once that's all gone 100% of bill is being paid out of pocket which I only have $800 left so that's few more visits until I have to pay 100% on my own. I have Cigna and its gold plan. I hope someone can help !!!