Micro premie(My miracle Baby)


I am a second time premie Mom. So the nicu journey I am quite familiar with it. My second pregnancy was quite rough. I had I my baby exactly 24 weeks. I am a sickle cell person and any time I get pregnant the sickle cell takes a rough turn on my body. At 20 weeks I went into severe sickle crisis and was taken to the ER then later admitted for a week. I was discharged after a week. On my 24 week obstatrician appointment she realized my baby wasn't growing the way she should and further test showed I was seriously ill. 1. I developed pre eclampsia 2. I went into crisis again 15mins into my doctors appointment 3. My kidneys were failing me when my doctor requested I check in at labour and delivery for monitoring. Checked into the hospital on Friday and my condition got so worse they did an emergency CS in me. My Lil Zoe Kristin was born and weighed just 1pound. First two weeks after birth she nearly didn't make it because her lungs were failing. But God worked a miracle. She is doing awesome now and will be discharged from the Nicu on Monday the 5th of September. She weighs 5pounds now. And she is a healthy baby with no premature birth issues. I am fine now and home now. Excited to bring Zoe home on Monday.

Thanks for reading guys.

After she was born and how she is now