induction stories

Brittany • Mother of 3 beautiful girls!
I am 37+2 and had my weekly checkup today, where the doctor and I agreed to set an induction date for September 14th, at 39+1. This is my 3rd (and final pregnancy) so I wanted to be induced as soon as possible as I have literally been pregnant for 3 years and am OVER it, to say the least. With my first, I went on my due date and wasn't even contemplating induction, with my second, doctors decided to break my water at 39+3 to help get things moving along faster since I wasn't dilating anymore, and now here we are, almost ready to deliver again! My original due date is 9/20. With that being said, I want to know what your personal experiences were with induction. I am nervous, but take this as a relief because we live an hour away from the hospital, when we had a false alarm at 35 weeks and had to commute an hour and half due to it being work traffic, I thought I was going to chew my husband out on the drive to the hospital because of the pain I was in, now just imagine going throug the real thing and having to drive an hour (possibly more) to the hospital; I'm also a worrier and could just very well think of almost anything that could go wrong too. Thanks ladies!