Welcome to the world Calliope Anne May

Welcome to the world Calliope Anne May!🎀
Baby girl is great, me on the other hand, I am so sore, and I just wanna 💩!!!!  I tore, and they had to cut me in two different ways, down and over to the side, she just wouldn't come out, and her heart rate was dropping with every push and contraction and they were prepping me for an emergency c-section that they said they had about 15 minutes to get me prepped, to the surgery room and to get her out, they emptied my catheter before and after they did, my next contraction I felt pressure in the front instead of the back and when I said that the nurses ran out and got the dr and he came running and checked and said it allowed her to move down a little more, and that we could try to push a few more times but time was of the greatest priority because she was at risk for cerebral palsy or brain damage at this point, they had me on oxygen and I knew it was fight, flight or die and I made shit happen and got her out of there!!! I was in labor for a little over 30 hours, pushed for 2 hours or so. 
It. Was. Crazy. 
There was about 10-15 people in the room and they were all screaming top of there lungs for me to push and cheering me on and when she came out it was an uproar and Rick and my mom were screaming like I just scored the winning touchdown for the Super Bowl and Rick fell to his knees and lost it. 
It was so crazy.  This is the short version. 
30 hour labor ya'll!Â