He's here


He's here.... My water bag bursted about 12.34 am on 31 aug ... With no sign of pain. I was only dilated 2 cm when i reach into the hospital. By 4 am at 3cm and it just stuck there..... With slight pain. The midwife said she will take me down to the delivery room and will induce me.... First they use there finger to stretch my cervix. Still with same pain slight pain i reached 5cm... At this time it was 11am by 11.30am they hook me up on the drips to start their procedure by 12 the pain came a little more painful but it was irregular.... So there comes the midwife again with her fingers and as she stretch i was instructed to push that i can be able to push her fingers.... It was really very uncomfortable and painful but i was already there but here i am dilated at 7cm... The pain started to come heavier and unbearable. Talking to my self now that i should pull off all these things and scream it was really irritating i even ask the nurse to cut me but she comforted me and said "watch it like this you have 3 more to go its better than before"... So now i am like ok lulu speaking to my self...your strong everytime the pain come breed in and out and beard the pain so i did, the pain was hott but i just that after about 9 full contractions trying to be tough it was like ahhhhhhh... I heard the mid wife said to the other like she is ready...they came again and inserted their fingers and yes thank God i was 10 cm by the time 1. 35 pm... With this being the home stretch i know i had to sum it up with the encouragement of the mid wife .... "With every pain you get push" so i did now he was finally here and i shouted thank you God thank you Jesus... It was over my bundle of joy was in my arms..

Not saying this to scare anyone because everyone goes through different things... But just to say women we as mother goes through a great ordeal sometimes to make a family but no one knows what process we go through and only see the final and sweet side... Mothers take care of your children grow them in the right way with manners respect and discipline... Proverbs 22:6

6 Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.

Have a safe delivery to whomever is next !!!!