Easy birth!

Leah • 💙3/4/08 💖3/24/09 😇10/2015 🌈 due9/2016

I was scheduled for an induction at 39 weeks (Monday the 29th) at 530am.

Around 130am I woke up to use the bathroom, walking to the bathroom I felt the panty liner I was wearing get really wet and thought I didn't make it.

Well I waited and changed the pad and it happened again, and a 3rd time. So I was convinced it was my water breaking.

Got to the hospital by 230, was 5cm when they checked me ( 5 days before I was only 3cm) and tests came back that it was my water. Got all the IV and blood test taken care of.

Was laboring pretty good without any pain meds for awhile, but my back and tail bone became to sore because of the bed that it was making it hard to just relax and labor so I finally decided to have the epidural.

Once I got the epidural I was 7cm, I never needed pitocin I progressed beautifully on my own and labored for about 12 hours total.

Pushed for no more then 30 mins and my beautiful baby boy entered the world at 253pm

Weighing 9lb 10oz and 21in long

And completely healthy!!!

So blessed!!!