Can't believe it


He's here! I was admitted Thursday to be induced Friday morning (gestational diabetes). We tried three rounds of cytotec... THREE rounds got me some pretty bad contractions and one cm dilated. ONE. Dr decided to try a low dose of pitocin. I got my epidural. Got my catheter.

At this point, I'd already done so much I was initially afraid of. And I survived. But I was frustrated, and I had always had a feeling he was not gonna want to come. My feeling was right, the doctor called it a failed induction. She gave me the choice of continuing on a higher dose of pitocin or c section. Something made me choose the c section.

I was terrified. Shaking from the epidural and being scared out if my mind. Closest thing I've ever come to a hospital stay was when I got stitches in first grade.

Yall, I survived. I heard his cries. My heart jumped. They showed him to me, I couldn't believe it. It wasnt perfect, I'd much rather have a vaginal delivery, but I knew this was right for us. He even came out to my favorite song (here comes the sun), not planned. Total chance. So in the end, it was perfect. He's perfect. Our family is perfect. I've never loved my husband more. I've never loved anyone like I love my son.

If you're scared, in doubt, worried...It's Ok. It's natural. I promise you, you will get through this. 7lb12ounces. 21 inches. Eyes light up the room. 😍