My almost natural birth with 26 minutes of pushing 💘

I really didn't think I would post my birth story but I am proud of myself and think I may have some helpful advice for overdue moms! 
Let me start by saying at 40+4 I was only 1 cm and 60% effaced with a bishop score of 4. I had prelabor contractions with no pain for four weeks. So I was 6 days overdue when I gave birth, when I was 40 weeks and 4 days my midwife said my baby wasn't staying engaged in my pelvis, so I needed to rock back and forth on my hands and knees with my butt in the air, for 10-15 minutes four times a day and sit on my yoga ball with my legs spread to open my pelvis. I did that after my appointment and the next day (40+5) light contractions started so I went to sleep because I really didn't think I was in labor because of his position. Then the next morning they got progressively painful. I went to the hospital around 3:00pm. I was two centimeters dilated and 90% effaced so they couldn't admit me. Midwife swept my membranes (which for me was horrifically painful) and said she would be seeing me later that night or I would be back the next day. Finally at 1:00 we went back to the hospital (my fiancé and mom had to make me go cause I did not want to go all the way in just to be sent home). I was finally four cm and still 90% but I was able to be admitted. I received iv pain meds and was able to relax enough to sleep until 3:30, at 3:30 am they broke my water and at 4:00 I received an epidural. I was able to completely lift my legs, so the epidural barely took. Just relaxed my contractions enough to sleep. I woke up at 7:00 am and was at 7 cm and almost completely effaced. The epidural had completely worn off so they turned it up and gave me an extra dose because of how much pain I was in. I slept on and off until about 9:30 am. They assumed I would be ready to push around noon. At almost noon exactly the epidural had worn completely off and I TOLD them I needed to push. The nurse checked me and I was a good ten and ready to go. In 26 minutes I (naturally i may add) pushed my sweet Noah out. He weighed a whopping 8 pounds 10 ounces and was 21 inches even. I suffered two second degree tears, one to my perineum and one to my labia. Worth every second and every tear I cried.