My baby girl is here!!

Was induced on Friday Sept 2nd, went in at 5, started pitocin at 5:45, around 9 I received my epidural bc my doctor was getting ready to break my my epidural, laid back down and bam my water broke on it's own, talk about good luck 😊 had a nice relaxing labor watching Fast 5, Pirates of the Caribbean and taking power naps in between. They checked me around 1:30 and I was a 5 and 70%, felt pressure an hour later so they checked me again and I was a 9, 20-30 min later I was fully dialated. I had to wait to push due to my doctor had an emergency delivery so I had to breathe through those contractions...that was the hardest part of my whole labor and delivery, my nurse came in and had me push a little to get her head crowning but had that done in no time, doc came in and I pushed for 10 more minutes so a total of around 20 and she was out 😊 easiest labor and delivery that I've had, she weighed 7lbs 7ozs and was 18" long was born at 3:36pm. Total 10 hour labor, 20 minutes of pushing and first time being induced. Sooo happy and blessed!