On Monday August 29, 2016 - I was 36 weeks and 1 day pregnant

On Monday August 29, 2016 - I was 36 weeks and 1 day pregnant. I went into work like normal, and at about 11 o'clock I started having an extreme pain in my lower right back and side of my stomach. I went home for lunch to lay down and see if it would make the pain go away- however after 2 hours, the pain was not gone and was still extremely uncomfortable. I called the doctor and explained what was going on, and they insisted I come in. So I drove there, still in an insane amount of pain- just hoping they would be able to tell me what was going on. I got to the hospital, and they brOught me into a labor room and hooked me up to the contraction and baby heartbeat monitor- as soon as I laid down- the pain all went away. I was mad at myself for going in, even though I honestly was in the worst pain. They had me pee in a cup to test for any infections. As we were waiting for the results the nurse said she wanted to check my cervix, even though she assumed it would still be closed. But to both of our surprises... She found that I was 3 cm dilated - so she went to get the doctor. He came in and checked also.. And said "you are 3 cm dilated and efaced" 😳 I didn't know what that meant, then he said "you are in labor, and we will have a baby here in the next 24 hours". I have never been so shocked. Supposably I was contracting every 2 mins, but was not feeling a thing. I called my boyfriend and told him he's gotta get the bag packed (which I was meaning to do that night) I felt bad for leaving him to do all the work but I didn't have a choice. It was not what I expected. I was in the hospital room, in labor with no pain. I bounced on the ball and ate a chicken Cesar salad. Around 6 pm Wade showed up finally, I was sick of being alone! Doctor came in and checked me again- I was at 4+, he decided that he wanted to break my water. At 8:08 he came in and broke my water. Interesting feeling. Around 9- I started feeling the contractions! I stood up cuz I couldn't lay down anymore, I bounced on the ball. And eventually threw up .. A lot.  Whoofta they were brutal. I just closed my eyes, and held wades hand and breathed through each contraction. As bad as they hurt I just kept focusing on her heartbeat, which I could hear from the monitor. The doc came in, checked and .I went from a 4-7 in less than an hour. Which he said explains the throwing up. I just laid on my side and didn't want anyone talking or touching me. My boyfriend and mom just had to sit there and watch me breath and contract. The best advice I ever received was "the ring of fire is real" I eventually felt that burn and told my mom I was feeling it- she ran to get the doc - and we found I was at 10- so I was ready to push. I sat up at 11 o'clock pm and contracted and pushed for the first time (pushing was the most relieving feeling in the world) they could see her head. I waited until my next contraction, and pushed as hard as I possibly could. I could feel her coming and man it hurt but I just wanted to be done. So I just pushed one more time and at 11:16 she was here! Beautiful baby girl. Crying and I had never felt so relieved. The best feeling in the world. And now we have a beautiful baby girl who is all ours and my dream has come true. I get to be her mom, and my dream is to be the best mom in the world ❤️❤️ I'm so grateful my body did what it was supposed to do and that she came down like she should. I'm also grateful I only pushed for 16 mins :) 
She was 4 weeks early and considered a preme--- but she's not at all. Everything was fully developed and she latched on right away and breast feeding is going amazing. :) 
6lbs 2oz
20 inches long 💕💕