Am I crazy?

Iwantmybaby • Future mommie
I love my fiancé I have loved him since the day I met him in grade one. Say what you will but he was my first boyfriend, first kiss, and I suppose first love. We dated until the grade of seven when we went our separate ways for a while. We begin seeing each other in grade 10 again, now in that time we did see other people so he was not my first lover in that since, but when we got back together we have been inseparable ever since. We got back together, became a serious relationship and shortly after we moved in together obviously since we were still young, it was under our parents roof. Grade 10-12 we lived with his family, after graduation that September we moved into our first apt, by this time all is going well I have a license, a car, a good paying job, and well he has a job. He makes good money and our schedules work so I can bring him to work and home every day. We are doing great, he proposes to me and gives me the most beautiful ring. We go on a vaction to Disney to celebrate.  Now we're TTC. I am happier than I have ever been and yet I feel as tho somethings missing. Am I crazy? I am a spoiled girl. He treats me like a queen. Yet I am missing something. And I believe that's the baby. But we just can not see to conceive mean while everyone around us is pregnant a or be evoking pregnant women. This isn't fair.