Diarrhea at 32 Weeks

Sorry, I know it's gross to talk about poop, but I guess a lot of things about pregnancy aren't all that glamorous! Lol The past 2 or 3 days I've had 2 or 3 loose stools a day, almost diarrhea. I'm sure it's normal, but I'm a worrier! I drink crazy amounts of water so I'm not worried about getting dehydrated. I have had some mild back pain today, and a general feeling that my stomach is uncomfortable, but nothing that is really painful or anything. I've had a hard time distinguishing BH contractions, so I don't want to say that I for sure have or haven't had any today. Baby is moving away, very happy inside, and still is up near my ribs. Sounds to you guys like just an upset tummy or general "clearing out" for the upcoming weeks, right? I can't imagine that I could be in preterm labor and feel generally fine, but I'll check with my doctor next week, and sooner if anything gets worse. Thoughts?