Married but feel like single parent??

Anyone else feel like a single parent even though they have a spouse that loves and wanted the child a lot? Long story short, I work 2 days a week at hospital and husband is layed off work but in school full time 2 days a week. When Im not at work I have my daughter constantly and love it but would love a break also occasionally. I do 80% of feedings, put her to bed every night which is a routine, actually work with her to teach her new things, run her through all her exercises and activity chairs and mats, and sing new songs etc. When he has her he basically just plops her down on his lap and he watches TV or just plays on his phone. It is to the point though that I have to ask for bathroom breaks or whatever even when he is home most of the time because he is downstairs watching a movie, playing on his computer, outside working on his RECREATIONAL vehicles or whatever while I'm struggling just to get a 10 minute shower EVERY FOUR DAYS!! I haven't eaten an actual meal in almost a month as I have my hands busy and just grab a pack of crackers on the run to the bathroom.On the two days I go to work it never fails that he takes our child to his mom's and leaves her there all day so he can either do a few hours of odd Job work, homework without interruptions, or run around town doing whatever. Is anyone else in the same boat and feel as frustrated as me? I truly thought this was going to be so different. Any advice?