So my fiancé and I are expecting. I am 21w. We have talked about vaccines and the pros and cons of them in the past. I do believe that they serve a purpose, however, we are both sceptical of how many vaccines are given to children at such a young age!! 40 vaccines are given to babies before the age of 2!!

Now please understand that I am not uneducated or stupid for having this belief, but I sure the hell do not feel comfortable giving my infant child all of these vaccines.

We knew we would have to talk about this topic eventually, but now that it's been brought up it seems VERY overwhelming. I do believe that some vaccines are necessary, but I don't think they ALL are. It is my understanding that the state I live in, you can either claim religious exemption from ALL vaccines, or you're required to get them for schooling. While I am researching, I am finding that SOME of the vaccines required for public schooling seem unnecessary and the risks outweigh the benefits. Have any of you parents out there had any experience with this standpoint and what did you do about it.

I understand this is a very controversial topic and I will probably get some people that disagree to the point where they are rude and inappropriate. Please understand that I am just trying to educate myself on what is going into my child's body before it happens, and remember that it is my right to make the decision.