what size diapers is you LO in?

Daughter will be 7 months in a few days and she has been having blow outs for the last week. She is currently in size 3 diapers and she's tiny for her age! But now I think she needs to move to size 4. I hate to return the box of threes that I just got and get 4s but I'm thinking maybe that's the cause for her daily blowouts! I would just get a small box of the 4s to try out but they only carry the big boxes in size 4 pamper cruisers!
Daughter is only 18lbs and so I just really thought she was too tiny to move on to a bigger diaper so quickly. But we did go ahead and make the switch to size 4 diapers and we haven't had any blowouts! 👍😬 
My husband is like this is crazy how fast she is flying through the sizes, he just doesn't understand lol.