Taking meds while ttc??

So I currently have a locked jaw. I can't open my mouth wide without my mouth hurting so I went to the doctor and they prescribed me with antibiotics to try to loosen my jaw...if that's doesn't work then I'll be having surgery next week. So can I still try to conceive?? Will taking meds to heal my mouth ruin my chances of getting a bfp this month? I've been TTC for my second for 8 months now..
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Let your Dr's know you're ttc and they'll tell you if it's safe or not. 


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You might want to put off TTC this month if there's a potential for surgery. I know it sucks (I'm laying on the couch now with stomach staples and a six week sex ban), but I'd go with better safe than sorry. If nothing else, all them how safe the surgery would be if you were pregnant.