George Zimmerman

(I suck at titles and ignore the picture. It's just there to take up space.)

A while back, around 2014 I believe, George Zimmerman, the Trayvon Martin shooter claimed he was homeless and living in fear for his life. Yesterday on the Spanish TV show "Aqui y Ahora" (here and now) Zimmerman claims his problems continue, he says he's still homeless and living in fear, suffering from PTSD and in more than $2 million of debt.

Now, how do you guys feel about what he says he's going through? Should we help him or is he getting what he deserves? Think about this as a whole. The shooting, the trial in which he was found not guilty, the selling of the gun he used to shoot Trayvon auctioned for millions of dollars and the restaurant incident where he exclaimed "It's me, Zimmerman, the guy who shot Trayvon Martin". With all this going on I personally feel like his PTSD claim is a hoax and just a way to get publicity and make America feel sorry for him. I want I hear your thoughts on this. This is a sensitive topic, please try to be as respectful as possible. (The interview airs Sunday at 7 p.m for my Spanish speakers. Or just put on English subtitles)