Describe in your own words what black lives matter mean?

Alexandra • Graduating this year with a bachelors in psychology. Then med school. In a loving relationship of 6 years. Not TTC! ❤️❤️
I'm confused to what people think the black lives matter movement means. 
Describe in your own words what YOU think black lives matter means
Me first: I think the black lives matters movement started after the police started targeting and discriminating against them. I don't think it's a racist act, they we not out there killing people like the KKK's or anything of that sort. However, I think everyone can agree that there are some people who take black lives matter and give them a bad name. Like the guy who killed the two cops and said it was for the black lives matter. 
Black lives matter in my eyes is a movement to let the world know that POC are just as important than everyone else and they should be oppressed against or discriminated because of their skin color. It's a movement that stands together to peaceful protest and rally against these problems. 
update*** please educate me. I feel like as a woman of color I should know these things but everywhere I read and try to find a good discussion I get all this negative obviously there are women on this blog that know exactly what they are talking about by experience