eat and sleep problems

I don't know what to do. My son is 4 month old. He still don't have eating Ancans sleeping habits disputed how hard I'm working on that. Some days he eats every 2 or 1,5 or 3 hours (including during the night) then mostly he eat 3-7 min sometimes 10. There are few nice days when he eats every 3 hours for 10-15-20 minutes and during night sleeps for 3 or 3,5 or in rear ninghts 4 or 4,5 hours (such nights we have once in couple weeks). Besides there are 5-6 nights a week when he is not sleeping in the mid of night for 1-2 hours. Tonight he screamed for 1,5hours with 5 min brakes, nothing helps he don't like any pose for cuddling, he eats 3 min every 40min and screams after, tried everything nothing works. He just slept after feeding and being overtired. And evening routine does not work. More than 2-3 weeks I'm trying to teach him going to sleep around 8-9 o'clock. He screams for hour as a minimum and then somehow after all possible ways to calm him down he falls a sleep in light sleep waking up. Besides he sleeps 12 hours during 24hours, doc told that he should sleep around 16 hours. 
I'm overtired, unhappy, confused have no idea what to do.
How you manage eating and sleeping habits? How do you manage that CIO?