

I just called the on-call and am waiting for a relay. I'm not looking for advice, just venting how scared and upset I am. I'm 29 +3 today and last night I woke a few times feeling heavy pressure and needing to pee...nothing new there, since baby boy sits very low in my pelvis. Slowly during the day mummy back has hurt more and this afternoon the heavy "pressure" has returned, but painful. Very painful. Not labor painful, I've had labor before and I'm not there yet.

But I also don't want to be.

My first child was born 29/30 weeks with no warning symptoms.

My second I started contracting at 28 weeks until thet induced me at 37 weeks because the baby had only grown 1% in two weeks.

I just don't know what to think. Water and rest isn't making me feel better. I wish they would hurry up and call.