i am turned off by SAHD?

OK I don't want to offend anyone. This is just my natural feeling towards it. I know its 2016 and we are supposed to be equal but a man that doesn't attempt to work and contribute financially to a relationship is a turn off. I literally would feel as though I were in a relationship with another woman. I am naturally drawn to strong, motivated, head of household type men. A good man with sound morals that can lead a family. Anything other than that makes me feel like I am with my son/child. Now I have no desire to be a SAHM at all. I want a career and to be a homemaker. Work 40 hours and come home and make dinner for my family. I refuse to be 100% dependent on a man. If something goes wrong I want to be able to take care of my kids and self. Ideally I see myself taking on traditional wife role with the addition of a good career. Any women with similar views????

Update: if me stating what I am NOT attracted offends you, you are just insecure with your situation. My preferences have no effect on your life.