period returning at 8 weeks? not sure?

Tatiana🇨🇷♈️💍🇩🇴♏️ • Happily Married. 💏 👰🏽 12.19.08 💙 07.10.16 💓 02.29.20 💙 🐸 🤱🏽BreastMILK is best 🚫 formula
After delivery I bled until my daughter was 4 weeks then it stopped .. At 6 weeks I spotted for 2-3 days and now she is 8 weeks and I'm not sure if it's an actually light period or spotting? I spoke with one of my dr nurses and she said that I'm producing a lot of milk and not pumping it out  enough (I pump maybe twice a day) and nurse her the rest.. Has anyone ever heard if u don't pump enough you bleed?