I'm embarrassed to do this, I honestly am...but I need HELP PLEASE!! 😫😰 pics included

How has it come down to this? I was doing so well!! Gave birth to my son almost 11 months ago and lost the weight id gained and an extra 5 pounds. I was happy..and proud (sounds vain doesn't it?). Fast forward to a month ago..I out of nowhere gain weight!! 10 pounds!! 😱  I am honestly hiding lately, I don't feel good in any of my clothes and it's affecting me as a person and my sex life with my hubby 😓  I didn't think I was eating differently or anything (although I have basically stopped breastfeeding, just still do at night) so what I'm doing here is asking for help!! And motivation!! What exercises do I need to be doing to get rid of all this FLAB?!? And also my flabby cottage cheese thighs!? Any tips on diets or homemade weight loss drinks or ANYTHING would be greatly appreciated!! 
This next picture is myself on July 29th, not even 2 months ago, I know I'm not model thin then either but I sure was in better shape than now!! 
I gotta add this: I feel ashamed of myself that I got to this point (hence I added anonymously) and I REALLY wanna change and lose this weight and feel more confident!! so again, I'm asking for exactly exercises, diets, drinks..anything that u have tried or that u know WORKS!! Thank you in advance! ***i have tears in my eyes right now...I wanna do this so bad!! Help me :(Â