So stressed out need to talk to somebody

So I'm renting this apartment my lease isn't up until November the landlord comes last month and hand me an eviction notice telling me they don't want to rent to me anymore and I had 30 days to get out mind you my rent is paid on time before it's even due so I called a lawyer and the lawyer tells me that they can't just tell you to leave they have to take you to court and to continue paying my rent so that's what I did this month well the landlord has been coming over my house everyday trying to give me this paper so I haven't been opening the door cuz my rent is already paid well I went online and looked my name up and they are taking me to court for eviction and guess who his lawyer is yes the same lawyer that gave me the advice is now taking me to court for eviction wow I'm so pissed off right now I have no idea what to do or even where to start I have been packing all of our things but have nowhere to go