I am not okay.

Last night I picked my girlfriend up and we were on our way to my house. We started fighting and than she started screaming out she doesn't want this anymore. Right than and there my heart shattered. I had a huge anxiety attack ; ran into the woods and started screaming and punching my car eventually got sick. I cried for hours and hours and so did she. She told me she loves me so much and wants to be with me so badly but she needs time to fix herself first. I understand that but I'm just so worried she will never come back to me 😭 I'm in so much physical and mental pain i dont know what to do. She asked me to sleep over still so I did. We cuddled all night and this morning she tried to have sex? Odd. We didn't, but than I brought her to work like two hours ago and I havnt texted her. I dont know if I should wait to see if she will talk to me. I just don't know what going on. A lot of mixed signals. I'm just heart broken. I love and care about her so much.