36 weeks and pre labor?

So the day I turned 36 weeks I started to get really strong bx contractions. I had some earlier in pregnancy but they were faint and kinda went away. But now they are back biiiiggg time. At night I wake up from the uncomfortable pain and because I'm changing positions at night I'll end up getting a contraction every single time I move. Getting up to the bathroom will give a contraction. I can feel the baby try to engage, she constantly has hick ups so I know where she is at. But it hurts the pubis and back big time when she tries to get her head positioned. I had similar symptoms with my last baby for about a week before having her. I was wondering if anyone else is experiencing similar symptoms? Personally I'm not worried, I haven't talked to the doc yet. I know what real labor contractions feel like and I only had one time where the pain was similar, and it hasn't repeated.