faint line or negative??

It has been 6 weeks since my last cycle. Me and my husband have been ttc for about 6 months now. I believe I ovulated on August 11 , cd 17 and I'm now on cd 48 . I have a really bad irregular cycle which normally comes between every 1-3 months . I'm not really worried since it's only been a months since my last one, but I'm worried that I'm not actually ovulating is to why I haven't gotten pregnant yet but I have taken  test after test and some show vvvvvfl and some show negative so I'm confused because my body doesn't release enough hcg to be detectable till almost 12 weeks , runs in the family, but what I'm asking is do y'all see anything and if you can tweak please feel free to do so thanks . This is only one test and taken within the 3-5 minute range .